Loan Performer
Loan Performer is a loan management system which integrated with an Accounting solution. It offers higher security, better reporting and new services for your clients. Experience an ultimate first-class Management Information System with SMS banking, Biometric Finger Print Scanning, WAN functionality, Internet Access for account holders, Standing Orders, Multi-Currency, Poverty Assessment etc.
It has the following modules Clients, shares, Savings, Loans, accounting.
This system is low cost and can run on a desktop or network with a single user configuration or many users in a branch branch. Is used both for Microfinance institution and Credit union.
Mifos X
Mifos X is a standard distribution containing the platform, web client, and mobile client. It can be deployed in any environment: cloud or on-premise, on or offline, mobile or PC; it’s extensible enough to support any organizational type or delivery channel, and flexible enough to support any product, service, or methodology. For any organization, big or small, it will provide the client data management, loan and savings portfolio management, integrated real time accounting and social and financial reporting need to bring digital financial services in a modern connected world.